Friday, December 30, 2011

Its gonna start

Yup its gonna start soon. Next year is gonna start and I'm gonna have to say goodbye to this year
and move on to next year. Like most people I really want this year to never end. I really want to stay in 2 Meranti and not go to 3 Jati. I had so much fun in class this year with my buddies in class they made me feel so much better whenever I feel sad or stressed out. A very big thank you to all these buddies.
Then comes going to morning session. I want to stay in afternoon session. I just feel so worried and scared for next year. I don't know if there's any girls in my class next year that I already know and can be friends with. Stressnya...And there's also the dreaded PMR!!!!! Argghhh!!! Okokcalm down....deep deep breaths. Ok.
I guess I really have to study hard next year...Especially BC most people I know get D's in BC. Oh gosh stressnya...Plan for next year- Study hard and Study Smart. Gonna stop watching so much tv and online-ing...
Anyways there's always the usual plan ahead's and goals to meet next year.Well let's start.
1. Study hard and not get distracted.
2.Score 5 A's for PMR
3.Go on with choir and singing.
4.Think positive.
5.Make friends with everyone.
6.Pay attention in class and not slack in my studies.
7. Never give up.
Well I think that'll be all for now. So...its time for me to say goodbye to 2011 and start 2012. A last goodbye to all my best times!!!!

I'm back from Miri and Brunei for a few days now but I've been a little busy to blog about my trip to Miri and Brunei. Well as I've done last year I went there with my choir for a few performance and concerts. I was really enjoyable and we all had so much fun spreading the joy of Christmas though music.
We set of for Miri on the 15th and it took us around 2 hours to reach Miri. After taking our luggage and everything we set out to meet the organisers for our concert in Miri and they sent us to the hotel by bus. The performance we did was to raise funds for a club. And We did fairly well on both nights.
Brunei was more fun than Miri as it was a different place. It took a while to reach their but we we're all very fascinated by the different cultures and lifestyles they had there. The Brunei performance is in a church to raise funds for a school.Because the currency there was higher the church members there offered to host us at their houses.
There was lots to see in Brunei. We went on a boat ride along Brunei river and it was very nice. The houses there are built on stilts and its all very old. Wonder what happens if someone fat goes in it...Haha then we went shopping and I bought some souveniers.We also had a performance in an open space which is decorated very nicely.
All in all its been a very nice experience going to this two places. I've learnt a few more things and even known a few people in Brunei. haha I hope I can go on like this forever but i guess there'll be a time I need to stop. But till then I will enjoy every moment travelling and singing with my most beloved choir friends.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Singapore! Well I'm back from Singapore and thought that it might be nice to blog about it. Dad bought us train tickets to get there and let me tell you it isn't a pleasent experience. Its noisy and shaky. And even worse they had to change the cabin in front because of some reason and we were delayed for around and hour. By the time we reached Singapore was around 11 at night.
After coming out from the customs dad was waiting for us and we went to eat something. After that it was time for bed in dad's friend's house.
I'm a little lazy to write all the places we've been to but I'll blog some interesting things I've learnt on this trip and the more unique experiences. Hmmm let's see. We went on a duck tour. they brought us though the city and show us all the very unique buildings and architectures around singapore. There was the Marianna Bay which is a really cool building that has three blocks that act like pillars to hold the top floor which appears to be a ship. =) Cool right?I'll be uploading the pictures real soon.Then there was the durian building. after the land tour we went into the water. It was like a boat ride around the city. We saw the flaoting football field and stadium and also all the interesting buildings along the way.
Then came the Singapore flyer!!! I love it so much! Its like the eye on malaysia just taller and has bigger compartments which can sit 28 people! @@. We could see the whole of Singapore by looking down from there.
Anyway this trip has been very nice. I realised that there is a lot that we should learn from Singapore for instance how to keep our enviroment clean and the way we use the escalator. But however great Singapore has been developed I still like Malaysia. Missed the food so much when I was there!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Last few days of school

Oh well its the last few days of school and I guess everyone's a little sad yet happy. Well I guess I really have mixed feelings about this year.If it were last year I would have given anything to just have holidays but this year things have changed. I really will miss my class in the coming holidays.
Let me just start by saying I had one of the best years in class thanks to my bunch of wonderful friends. A big thank you to them for all the support, kind treatment,fun times and also great memories.
That's about all. Byeeee till we meet.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Time To Get costumed-up

Yup its time to get ready for tonight's concert. I was excited until mum tild me the response wasn't really good not many tickets were sold. So this concert might not be very nice after all....Sometimes things don't really go our way and its kinda really sad. Especially when you put in so much effort. I just pity the little children practicing with us older kids, they really put in their all to make this work out and they might be performing to an half empty hall? That's just so unfair!
Its kinda like we've flown all over the world to sing and make Malaysia proud and we've never really been noticed or even cared for. Whilst being treated like gold in other countries, we've been treated like grass in our own mother land.
Its really upsetting that we have been so hard at work to make these a reality and nobody is bothered to come. To our fellow Malaysians stop being blind. Look around you, one of your relative might belong to this world class choir! Lastly I would just wanna say, Malayia Boleh!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Busy Time.

Is a busy time for me. The performance on Sunday was awesome we all did our very best and the show went on very well! And now its time to prepare for the next performance this saturday and sunday. Diane is gonna come for the concert and I'm really excited.
Then there's also the exams..T.T even though I've studied it was still very hard.I know my results wouldn't be excellent but at least I didn't cheat. ^.^
I better stop now ang get my PSV going! See ya!

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm so nervous!

Nervous about so many things! I'm nervous about the performance tomorow and next week then its the exams! Oh gosh I have so much on my plate now!!!!!God please help me!!!! And guess what maths is tomorow and I still can't get anything right....T.T I'll just have to cross my fingers and get a 4o!!!! Pls God I'm so not asking much...just a 40!!!!!
I just nid a 40 to pass!!!! Please help me!!!!!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

English lesson with Mr farouk

Wat happened during English Lesson.
Mr Farouk:Pls write on a piece of paper a promise to me. Like: I will study harder.
We wrote or maybe I wrote for my friends...
Me: I will never say never!
And teacher was like: Do you luv Justin bieber so much?
LayYin Low: I will grow to be taller!
Teacher: Urmmm but how does it help tio improve ur Englsih?
Me: Teacher, she can't see wat u write on the whiteboard.....
Sookyu Leaw:I will grow to be prettier....
Teacher: Ok......well...

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Choir performances are just around the corner. And guess what? We got an invitation from New York to go there to perform!!!!!!!!!Haha Yeah!!!! But we're still struggling to make money to make this trip a reality. We're invited but...they won't pay for our airfare.....T.T which means we'll have to raise money to go there. Mrs Kam has sent letters to people asking for help in sponsorring us but sometimes things might not work as we want it to.
Malaysians should really learn to realise the talents that we Malaysian children have talents. Most Malaysian might not even know that there is a Malaysian choir who made it to be a world class choir. After years of performing overseas and our own fellow Malaysian have never known us. Whilst being treated like honoured guests in other countries like china and so on, we have been treated like any other children. Do you think that its fair that we who have devoted our weekends practicing whether rain or shine while other children play be treated like this.
Being the one and only world class children's choir we ahve not been much cherished and talked of or rather realised by our fellow Malaysians. Doesn't anybody think that its just so harsh to do this to us? We have been given praise and welcomed by people of other countries but never have we been cherished by our own people.
To all malaysians and everyone who is seeing this. Please lend a hand for us to go to New York to make Malaysia proud. Or you could come to our concerts. There's a few coming real soon!!!!! Thanks for reading my such long post. And lastly I just wanna say
I'm Proud To Be A Part Of The Operafest Children's Choir!!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Crazy Class Of Mine

Well..yeah I admit it. My class might be one of the most craziest class you have ever seen...For instance, the dares we do are just simply insane! Just yesterday we all stood outside our class and shouted at random people, laughing loudly and joking. Al the form 1s were looking at us.....=='.
I just realised I haven't introduced my class....
1.Sookyu: Leng Lui Leaw Sam Hou!!!!!( hoi sin fan)
2.Lay Yin:Loh Min!!!! Crazy girl.
3.Li Xin: Miss Violent( Po Lo Pao)
4.Xiao Ching: Coconut milk. Kah Zian Lao Po
5.Kah Zian: Coconut!
6.Weng Kin: Sai Lou!!!! yok choi chu yuk fan
7.Sang Jooi: The guy who loves a science lab table. ==Bak Kut Teh
8.Jun Wah: Perverted and crazy guy......Durian Prince
9.Hao Dong: Hot Dog Sotong, Crazy and nutty at the same time.
10.Hau Yi: Beggar chicken.
11.Kah Jun: Roasted chicken.( gay....)
12.Benny:Bak jam Gai.....(white chicken)
13.Zhi Ming: Santa Claus! Always provides food! Yum Yum
14.Michelle: Yong Tao Foo
15.Zhing Mun: Miss Sing A lot.
16. Yuet Theng: Miss Sing A lot too....
17.Loc Yee: brother to a gangster but still a nice girl.
18.Angie: Justin Bieber fan. A fellow Belieber.
That should be all of them.....hehe Luv my class this year!!!!! 2 Meranti rocks!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Secret Mission!

Yup secret mission which involves going for karaoke at 9 in the morning. Lol... We all reached school at around 10 and went straight to MusicZone. Went into the room and started singing! just realised that bryan has a great voice! Haha sang some English songs then Chinisse songs with Vickie, Chun Quan and Bryan. ^^ We sang a song and most of us went was so fun!Michelle and vickie took lots of pictures of Bryan...wanna know y? He kept on acting gay lolzz.....
Anyway I ahd a really good time thanks to Abby Bryan Alex Michelle Chun Quan Nadya and Vickie!!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hari Bicara Akademik

Well ya...its a day of doom for most talkative students like me but luckily mum didn't go to get my report card. Ok well prefects are supposed to duty but basicly we weren't dutying. After ushering most of the parents up to the classes we started eating and drinking but you can't blame us rite? Hungry you know. After a while all the gadgets and i phones started coming out=='' ( din't jaga image also).But it was ok la...hehe. Nicholas was so nice he went to 7 eleven to buy us mamee...hehe the hungry prefects started eating and had a great time joking around.
Then the guys went out to buy food and left us girls...kesian us la no food. After a while we started playing truth or dare. Alex suggested it. Did a few dares like sit closer to bla bla bla and sai I love u and all.....==' Mattew had the worst dares of all...pity him. then it was time to go home. We all packed up and went home.
Though its such a tiring day I'm glad that we all had fun doing things together. Hehe thanks Coacine, Vickie, Michelle, Abby Chia, Nadya,Alex, Mattew,Jack,Patrick,Dhanusha,Rakesh,Nicholas, Teo for making this such a memorable day for me!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Freaking eng chew keep on asking us to luruskan barisan, senangkan diri, rehatkan diri then sedia under the hot sun! What freaking hot u know! Then somemore keep on getting scolded by seniors for being not serious but the ones whi are not serious are them....ish!!!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Sad la...having sorethroat ....hate it!!!!!!!!!I hope it goes away faster cause tomorrow I'm going back to Operafest! If Mrs Kam see em like this I'm gonna be so dead..T.T
God please help me!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Camp PJGH 2011

Awesome! Went there with tracy and her dad and brother and ate 1 minute chips on the way( eating chips every one minute). Reach the resort at around 3. Saw Chris and started talking withe him while waiting for the keys!
Games time! So fun! Did it with jasmine and can't believe we did it! After that tracy, me and aunty shih cheng went to the room to rest and wash up. Shortly after that we went down for dinner with diane. The food was not bad la.....(not very good).After dinner it was worship time and then session and discussion. We were all so tired so after a few conversations in the room me and tracy dozed off....
Sunday morning was not bad! Woke up and did quite tine then went to the "beach" for cha-cha slide led by the " Awesome" Richard. Fun hehe! After breakfast it was time for our normal sunday worship! Then followed by the session and discussion. Lunch then we had free time. Went down to the pool with tracy and diane and got pushed into the pool by reuben==''. Not only once but 6 times....poor me! Pushed into a pool with jeans on...heavy......
Third day! cha=cha slide then breakfast! With reuben and the girls...==' He ate our share of the crosoints ( is it the right spelling?) Haiz what to breakfast also nid to get teased...Then it was free time again...Got dared by diane to do something...and guess what kenneth betrayed me T.TSad..... os I had to do the dare lo....I like you no more kenneth...But never mind we had a fun time at the pool!
During the evening I got to pay back on reuben haha! He aws swimming and I asked hi8m to get out of the water and let me push my surprise he really did let me haha i got me revenge!!!!!Muahahahaha (evil laugh). Dinner was BBQ style! Yay sat with kenneth, chris,diane and tracy! The food was ok i guess... the we went on the beach for a while and teh emo person ( reuben) was so emo dono y I think he was sick...but nvm....couldn't care less ahahaha!!!!
Gleeberation!My most dreaded team got thriller an d we were suppose to make a dance iin 1 hour....I'm fine with singing but so not dancing...We all painted our faces and hands with aunty sally's lip stick! Looking scary.....turned out that we were the only scary group....Nvm...we all enjoyed ourselves very much in fact I didn't feel embarassed at all....My team were crawling on the floor looking like zombies while laughing!haha I guess real zombies don smile do they?????
Last day at camp! Cha-cha slide for the last time then breakfast! sat with reuben again==' kesian me leh.....he ate my share of crosoints again.....zzzzzz poor me!!!!!!After breakfast was our last camp session and its was fun actually!

Friday, May 27, 2011

passing away of my aunt

I was woken up by a phone call from my cousin saying that my aunt has just passed away...Mum cried and I too shed a few tears. After that I started praying for her and asked God to bring her to a better place. After that we got up and sent my brother to BB,
To my dear aunt,
Thanks for all the nice things you've done for me since I was young. I remember the times you used to come all the way from muar to my house to bring me gifts and presents. Sometimes even some goodies from muar. For all that you've done for me I want to say a big thanks you and I hope that God will take care of you well. Aunt you have been such a great aunt and I hope that if you could see this now!
You are not alone,
For we are here with you.
Though we're far apart,
You're always in my heart.

We will always love you and will forever keep you in our hearts!!!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

R they brainless????

Only brainless people would criticise people!!!!!Do you have to call her fat infront of the whole class....????Do you have any idea how much that hurts? How would you feel if I criticised you infront of the whole class? Not everyone can take it you know? Think of much pain have you caused to her since last year? Let me answer it for much!!!!!!Do you know that this would be a painful memory for her to bring on forever?
Have you any idea why i'm so upset? because I care for her. I care for her as much as you care for your damn freaking wife! Have you thought of other people's feelings? No! So shut your darn mouth!!!!!!!!!!Sorry cannot help so.....u can't erase the things you have done to her! So stay away from my friend. I love her and I don't want yo to hurt her anymore!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

exams are coming!!!!!!

Yup exams are coming and I'm so worried.....After this exam gonna be hari bicara akademik ady. I really hope I can ace this exam but that's gonna be hard! Especially with maths and sejarah!!!Sejarah I'm ok but not maths.....I hate maths!!!! Maths!!!!!!!!

anyway no point sulking here....gotta study!!!!!Time to study!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What's wrong with listening to songs????

Conversation between dad and I.
" Don't u have anything better to do?"
"Well no....."
"what is the use of listening? Its not like u can be a singer next time?"
"I like singing why can't I be a choir singer or something next time?"
"Because you're supposed to be a doctor or something...."
"I don't want to be a doctor!"
"Do you think that you can earn as much as a doctor if you're a choir singer?"
"At least i get to do things I like? At least I don have do things I don't like!"
"You can be a lawyer then."
"NO I don't wanna be a lawyer...its rules rules and more rules!"
"Ur gonna go for the causes I choose for u and I don't care!Unless you get a scholarship for singing!"
Well let me tell you dad I like to sing and I don't like you to plan everything or me!I don like it you know what's wrong with my ambition? if its because of money I don't care do you understand? What's the point of living in a huge house and not loving my career....and hating my work?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Let Me Fly

Let me fly,
To a world of peace,
Where wars will never be.
Let me fly,
To a world of freedom,
Where freedom is everyone's.
Let me fly,
To a world without worries,
Where no sorrow is found to be.
Let me fly,
To a world without greed,
Where crimes have never been.
Let me fly,
To a world without anger,
Where no scoldings are heard.
Let me fly,
Out of this world,
So sorrowful and unclean,
Filled with guilt and pain.
O what a world........

Friday, April 29, 2011

Friends are people whom we love,
Friends are people who love us too.

Friends Love and never hurt,
Friends give and never take back.

Friends help in troubled times,
Friends always take our sides.

Friends give us shoulder to lean on,
Friends are with us through times of pain.

Friends are people whom we must cherish,
Friends are people whom we each must have.

Well I know its a bit cacated but I'm this is what I did.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well everything was ok i guess...tracy ditched me and wen home alyssa went home early....Li ann went for swimming comp....I was left with kenneth and reuben and other youths....Its was ok reuben did jab me a bit but otherwise it was ok. Played with eshen..He was so cute!
Despite my friends ditching me it was really quite ok.Then went for lunch and i'm of to choir it rained heavily so we stop for a while.The wind was really really strong and the smaller kids were screaming like crazy.==''After that we resumed and sanf the toreado song...Its so hard to sing.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I wanna fly!

Please don treat me as I'm a 5 year old.
Please let me take charge of some things.
Please let me decide on things.
Please give me a life.
Please understand my feelings.
Please think of my feelings.
Please understand that I'm a human,not a doll.
Please listen to what I have to say.
Please don't force me to do things I can't.
Please let me have the rights to talk.
Please give me some space.
Please treat me as a 14 year old.
Please let me do wat a normal 14 year old does.
Please stop thinking I have to be good in every single thing.
Please understand I want to be free.
Please stop scolding me for different reasons everyday.
Please don't plan my future for me.
I'm only a 14 year old. I'm not perfect,nobody is.So please I want to have my life back.I want to live a life. Please don't restrict me all the time. I know my boundaries and i hope u will understand that I can be responsible . Its time that I grow up a little at least.I wanna know how its feels to be 14....Please mom.....

Friday, April 15, 2011


Why do we have to go for tuition?On a Saturday......its so sad but at least I have good friends in tuition!Going off to Jeremy's house for tuition then to yf!Oh ya have I introduced him yet,sorry no...Ok let me start.Jeremy is my tuition fren since I was standard 3! He's been a really nice friend but occasionally bullies me....haha which includes kicking me under the table, teasing me but all in all he's a really great friend after all!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm Coming Back To Blogging

Yup I'm back to blogging! Its been so long since I blogged the last time!
Yesterday was April fool and guess what..I ate a oreo with colgate in it.....(not exactly ate.I din swallow it).Then in class I played lots of tricks on people. Oh ya...I tricked vickie that there was a cat under her chair and she almost jumped up the chair....Then my class played water and I was showered with water....went home dripping wet..=='

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Larian Saujana

Fun!=) I went to school at early...=='. Saw chia and sat own with uwais,and jackie(jacky)! Time to start! Saw my friends run and cheered for them.Saw kenneth and started to laugh at him! After all the students went to the next checkpoint,I left and went to the last checkpoint and waited for my friends.
Saw yujun and ou yang and ran with them back to school! When reach school Pn Veronicca thought I'm a runner so she give me number 14.....but i told teacher I checkpoint(so much to being honest).....
Went home before the majlis didn't see whose the winners....But I know yujun and coacine won!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Prefect camp

Can be descibed in 2 words fun and tiring.Let's talk about the first day. We got separated into teams and my team was the frog team, team members were shiao yen,haritha,yi qing,danusha,coacine,nicole,and another malay girl(forgot her name sorry),sarah,and en ru. We palyed a few games on the first day and it was really fun.All the sessions were really interesting and I liked it very much!Oh ya and before we went back we all dance and sang to the song We're all in this together. All went crazy!!!!!I mean like seriously in jumping around and screaming at the top of our lungs till we're out of breath!(Ever seen a bunch of crazy prefects?If you haven't well that's a shame)Did the dance and singing and also screaming 2 times then sat down and rested while listening to teacher talk.
Now we talk about today.Had sessions discussing about a situation and had a great interactive discussion wit the teachers also.Also did the dance again and this time it was girls vs guys! The guys did a great job to entertain us we laughed till our stomach hurt.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Exam's over and its time to worry.....Got 90 for English and 66 for BM....Worried about my maths and BC...hopefully won't fail......Anyways, I went to church yesterday and got hit so many times while playing poison ball....came home sore all over and really tired also....
Oh ya the valentines event in church...
2.50:Start decorating multipurpose hall with"assistance" of Anderson.
4.00:Finished decorating. Li Ann and I stayed in church while Tracy and Alyssa went home to get stuff all because of the smartness of Ivan.....
4.30:People start arriving. Went to change and then registered.
5.00:Been given half of a heart to find my partner. Tracy had the insane idea that reuben was my partner but luckily not. Yay thank god!!!!!
5.15:Starting of event.Worship were led by Bue and Jon Wee. It was fun!!!!!!!
5.40:Games by Sandra....called famous couples.I was Hermione Granger!!!!!
6.00:Make and match session if I'm not mistaken. Decorated a cupcake with a huge smiley face for my date! Apparently it was the most perfect amongst my friends!
6.45:We all finished and all they guys made crosages for their dates. Mine was white! My fav colour.Guy wore the crosages for girls and girls give them the cupcakes.Keenric couldn't tie teh crosage for Li Ann so reuben had to do it haha poor Li Ann.
7.00:Dinner time.Haha JJ took too much food for Tracy and me and Diane was laughing at her,Oh sorry its dance first then only dinner.Li Ann went the craziest while she was dancing.Anyway the few of us did the can can dance!Dinner was really good!!!!!
7.45:Finished dinner. Took pictures with friends!(check it out in fb)Played guess how many hearts in the bottle and lost by two thanks to the great Alyssa.
8.50:Event ended and went home after cleaning up a little.

Monday, January 31, 2011

As you see I've change my blog a little.....its a new year so I thought I would have a fresh start! anyway happy chinese new year everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yeah chinese new year!!!!!!Ang pow ang pow!!!!!!!!
Haha very happy cause its cny!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yeah got new hairstyle finally.....having a fringe for a change....Ok where do I start.....Oh ya about the bun hairstyle.....I look a old lady and when i take the bun hair is curly=='!!!!!!Mom bought me new things to make a bun.....and I'm still struggling to use it....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bun bun bun bun bun

Bun bun bun bun bun why do we have to tie buns!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I got three ajk poses this year....pengerusi for indoor games, naib pengerusi for rumah merah,and then setiausaha for PBSm....haiz what to do. I'm gonna be so so busy......Anyway tomorrow will be really horrible.....Oh ya and the new rule in school is that girls with long hair must tie bun.......Hope i don't look too horrible...

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Me and the others form two's spent so much time teaching them how to duty properly but they couldn't be bothered to listen and learn properly......Chia got very angry so she scolded them terribly......not only her lar I was pissed also lar wasted my voice teaching them how to raise their voice!!!!!This also we need to teach them is it....Might as well we all duty for them!!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

First week of school

Ya its the first week of school and seriously I'm exhausted....yup exhausted you know why???? We form 2's need to jaga the form 1's...==' and its seriously very tiring.Glad its over and i get to rest for two days.I'm really missing the seniors and starting to realise how much we need the seniors for help.
Oh ya and Mr leong gave us a speech today....and its really really funny and serious at the same time. Vickie was sitting next to me and she kept on laughing..==. At first I was really serious while listening but when you have a crazy girl like her sitting next to you, you tend to get affected...ok that's all for now gtg...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

School is starting

School is starting tomorow!!!!!!!! I would be happy if I didn't know which class I'm going.....T.T.Anyway life has to go on even if I don't like it I have to face it.......Looking forward to see all my friends again though!!!!!!