Sunday, December 11, 2011


Singapore! Well I'm back from Singapore and thought that it might be nice to blog about it. Dad bought us train tickets to get there and let me tell you it isn't a pleasent experience. Its noisy and shaky. And even worse they had to change the cabin in front because of some reason and we were delayed for around and hour. By the time we reached Singapore was around 11 at night.
After coming out from the customs dad was waiting for us and we went to eat something. After that it was time for bed in dad's friend's house.
I'm a little lazy to write all the places we've been to but I'll blog some interesting things I've learnt on this trip and the more unique experiences. Hmmm let's see. We went on a duck tour. they brought us though the city and show us all the very unique buildings and architectures around singapore. There was the Marianna Bay which is a really cool building that has three blocks that act like pillars to hold the top floor which appears to be a ship. =) Cool right?I'll be uploading the pictures real soon.Then there was the durian building. after the land tour we went into the water. It was like a boat ride around the city. We saw the flaoting football field and stadium and also all the interesting buildings along the way.
Then came the Singapore flyer!!! I love it so much! Its like the eye on malaysia just taller and has bigger compartments which can sit 28 people! @@. We could see the whole of Singapore by looking down from there.
Anyway this trip has been very nice. I realised that there is a lot that we should learn from Singapore for instance how to keep our enviroment clean and the way we use the escalator. But however great Singapore has been developed I still like Malaysia. Missed the food so much when I was there!

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