Sunday, July 24, 2011


Choir performances are just around the corner. And guess what? We got an invitation from New York to go there to perform!!!!!!!!!Haha Yeah!!!! But we're still struggling to make money to make this trip a reality. We're invited but...they won't pay for our airfare.....T.T which means we'll have to raise money to go there. Mrs Kam has sent letters to people asking for help in sponsorring us but sometimes things might not work as we want it to.
Malaysians should really learn to realise the talents that we Malaysian children have talents. Most Malaysian might not even know that there is a Malaysian choir who made it to be a world class choir. After years of performing overseas and our own fellow Malaysian have never known us. Whilst being treated like honoured guests in other countries like china and so on, we have been treated like any other children. Do you think that its fair that we who have devoted our weekends practicing whether rain or shine while other children play be treated like this.
Being the one and only world class children's choir we ahve not been much cherished and talked of or rather realised by our fellow Malaysians. Doesn't anybody think that its just so harsh to do this to us? We have been given praise and welcomed by people of other countries but never have we been cherished by our own people.
To all malaysians and everyone who is seeing this. Please lend a hand for us to go to New York to make Malaysia proud. Or you could come to our concerts. There's a few coming real soon!!!!! Thanks for reading my such long post. And lastly I just wanna say
I'm Proud To Be A Part Of The Operafest Children's Choir!!!!!!

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