Friday, December 31, 2010

It is gonna end soon

Its all gonna end...... I'm really sad that this year is gonna end.Before I slept yesterday nite I thought of all the happy and sad memories of this year. Then I thought what is my biggest accomplishment this year and immediately I thought of my the friends I've got to know this year.Thanks to all these friends I had such a awesome year.
Next year will be very very different. I won't be in the same class as sherly.....And also heng yee will be in morning session. So in this new post Id like to write something about her.
Dear heng yee I'm so sad that you will be leaving for morning sesion next year and I really would hope that you could stay. I'll always miss you and I really hope that you can visit me nd coacine often!!!!!!You're the most awesome senior and although you always tease me I like being with you. All in all you're AWESOME BEAUTIFUL CARING AND ALSO HUGGABLE!!!!!!
Heng Yee I LOVE U VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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