Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Frustration And Anger

Frustration and anger why???? Cause all the hard work I did last year has been wasted, why???Cause I have been sent to 2 meranti!!!!!!then when I looked closer to who's going to that class together with me, I saw Haslina's name and she gets top 3 in my class.....shocking news!!!!!people who get good results in 1 belian gets thrown out to go to meranti wat the.....Frustration is all I have now I don't understand what they're thinking I mean you should keep those who is at the top in belian rite???Anyway mum saw me crying and she said that we can go appeal but Cik Jamilah wasn't there so she talked to Puan tai and she said that belian Kiara and meranti is of the same level but seriously its so not true everybody knows that meranti is so not the good class....
Really angry that I''m thrown out of my class for no reason of all. the reason is not my peratus but because i take chinese and Ert classes this is the most stupid reason I have ever heard!!!!!!

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