Friday, December 31, 2010

Really bored

Really bored now why????? Cause I have nothing to do.......Schools gonna reopen soon and I'm starting to get nervous now. Before I slept last night I thought of how I'm gonna survive a year at 2 meranti......Sherly is not gonna be there ==' Its gonna suck.......But on the good side, I'll be seeing all my friends on Monday and I'm sooooo happy glad to see them at last!!!!!!

The New Has Come

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!! The new has come and the old has gone!!!!!!!!!
I'm really hoping that next year would be as great as this year.

It is gonna end soon

Its all gonna end...... I'm really sad that this year is gonna end.Before I slept yesterday nite I thought of all the happy and sad memories of this year. Then I thought what is my biggest accomplishment this year and immediately I thought of my the friends I've got to know this year.Thanks to all these friends I had such a awesome year.
Next year will be very very different. I won't be in the same class as sherly.....And also heng yee will be in morning session. So in this new post Id like to write something about her.
Dear heng yee I'm so sad that you will be leaving for morning sesion next year and I really would hope that you could stay. I'll always miss you and I really hope that you can visit me nd coacine often!!!!!!You're the most awesome senior and although you always tease me I like being with you. All in all you're AWESOME BEAUTIFUL CARING AND ALSO HUGGABLE!!!!!!
Heng Yee I LOVE U VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Frustration And Anger

Frustration and anger why???? Cause all the hard work I did last year has been wasted, why???Cause I have been sent to 2 meranti!!!!!!then when I looked closer to who's going to that class together with me, I saw Haslina's name and she gets top 3 in my class.....shocking news!!!!!people who get good results in 1 belian gets thrown out to go to meranti wat the.....Frustration is all I have now I don't understand what they're thinking I mean you should keep those who is at the top in belian rite???Anyway mum saw me crying and she said that we can go appeal but Cik Jamilah wasn't there so she talked to Puan tai and she said that belian Kiara and meranti is of the same level but seriously its so not true everybody knows that meranti is so not the good class....
Really angry that I''m thrown out of my class for no reason of all. the reason is not my peratus but because i take chinese and Ert classes this is the most stupid reason I have ever heard!!!!!!

I'm Back

Back from where???? Muar!!!!Haha ya went there to see my aunt, She's very sick and my whole family went down to muar to see her! The last time I was there was maybe when I was 6. Muar is maybe the most safe place of all, my aunts house doesn't even have a gate!!!!==' Weird.... Anyway lots of asam fish there yum yum!!!!That's all for today bye bye!!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Its almost the end of this year and I thought that I would round up this year with listing a list of things I accomplished this year, and also things that I would really miss!!!!!
  1. Became a prefect
  2. Met lots of really nice friends
  3. Joined a world class choir, The Operafest Children's Choir
  4. Would miss all the form 2's
  5. Will Miss heng yee the most!!!!!!
The old is gonna go and the new will come soon, I'm really hoping that next year would be as nice as this year I really liked this year and i hope next year would be better!!!!That's all 4 now bye everyone!!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Ya I know its to late to say merry christmas but never mind. Cousins came over for dinner yesterday, played hide and seek with them( I know this sounds childish but sorry I'm really really childish!!!)Had a fun time playing that!!!Cousins couldn't find me cause I was hiding on the balcony, sad part was I hid there for 20 minutes =='.....So hot up there...Anyway back to christmas got a new bag, teddy bear, two new soft toys and my lots of other stuff!!!!
Went to church this morning and almost fell asleep while sermon was going on....Then it was party time!!!!! Had a great time playing with the sunday school children. Only thing i didn't enjoy was when richard, jon wee and reuben started drawing on my face, luckily it was just facepaint...phew!!!What a relieve! Then we had praise and worship which is my favourite part as u will know if you've been following my blog that I like to sing!!!!! We sang Last day of the son and another song(can't remember which song,sorry).

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Arrived in kk having tea with my friends in a
really nice cafe!!!!
This is me and sue wen on the bus for dinner!!!!!
Ok these are the photos while I was in kk, this is in
a hotel. We were performing for the church!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Performance in Sepang gold coast was cancelled last minute and I'm so dissapointed!!!!!!!!! We were all looking forward to this performance cause this is a really nice place and all of a sudden BOOOOOM Miss Lim texted my mom and said that it was cancelled!!!!!!! I fell so sad!!!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ok I know I'm blogging a bit too much lately but sorry I'm really bored when there is school holidays. Blogging and facebooking is my entertaiment! Looking really really forward to going back to school cause then I can see all my frens again and it won't be so boring anymore! Anyway next year will be a whole new year the form 2s are gonna leave us and go to morning session and we will have a whole new group of juniors which can be fun but also challenging!!!! That's all for now and I saw chia's blog and there are many beautiful pictures which she drew!!!!!!Alright that's all I ahve for now bye everyone!!!!!!!

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle

Girl: Slow down I'm scared

Guy: No this is fun

Girl: No its not please its to scary

Guy: then tell me you love me

Girl: I love you slow down

Guy: Now give me a big hug

-She gave him a big hug-

Guy: Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself its bothering me.

---- In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the brakes were broken, but he didn't want the girl to know. So instead, he had her hug him and tell him that she loved him one last time. Then he had her put on his helmet so that she would live even if it meant that he would

die. If you would do the same for the person you love copy this in your profile.

I saw this in Alicia profile and I thought that its a really touching story so I decided to post it in my blog.I hope u liked it!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Since I'm really really really bore now I've decided to write about my self!

  1. Name: Junie Chan Zheng Yi
  2. Age:13
  3. Date Of Birth: 15-6-1997
  4. Hobby: Singing , Listening to music , Going for choir practice( I'm crazy about choir activities) and last but not least swimming!!!!
  5. Things I Love: Good songs, soft toys, cute stuff and lastly choir!!!!!!!!
  6. Things I Hate: Horrible songs, insects, scary stuff and lastly people who think people who sing are nerds( This sounds weird but there are people who think this way)
  7. Family Background: Father..... Mother..... and a younger brother....
  8. Religion: Christian( Really really proud of it)
  9. How I describe myself as: Blur as always, gets angry easily, cries even more easily and lastly hates the unfairness going on in this world.
  10. Ambition: Not sure now as I said I'm always blur.
  11. What I would like to accomplish next year: Be a good prefect and maybe get top 5 in my class.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Us performing for Universiti malaysia Sabah if u
can't really see me I'm actually behind Vienna the
the small indian girl. This song that we are
performing in this picture is called student prince
and its a really nice song.
I'm back from kk and sandakan now. Yeah but the bad thing is that I think I put on a few pounds as the food there is deeeelicious!!!!! We arrived at KK at around three cause when we were about to take off the pilot suddenly stopped the plane and explained that there were some problems and needed some time to repair it. After an hour and fifty minutes we got on the plane again and took off safely. When we reach KK we went straight to the hotel to have a rest cause we had an " important" dinner which Mrs Kam scolded us for not wearing formal enough. But the dinner was good although we tried really hard to finish our food. Then after that we did a really nice dance and sang a song called sayang kinabalu. The next few days in KK went by really quickly and I din eally remember it very well. Next is the performance in the church and it was really nice we performed really well and the people there loved it and we had a really nice high tea. Then we went to Universiti Malaysia Sabah for the next performance. The slovenian choir performed first but I don think the crowd liked it very much the newspapers actually discribed it as a disturbing scene due to their actions which scared all the children very much. Then after that it was our turn we did really well considering that we din have much practice on this stage actually but the crowd really liked the chinese songs that we performed which consisted of some acting which is both funny and cheeky. After this we all went to Mount Kinabalu to have a stay. Me and my room mates saw a cockroach and also a kind of small scorpian which scared our lives out of us.
Last but not least we went to sandakan for our lasy performance for the rotary club. When we arrived at the airport we were really shocked to see people holding a huge poster to welcome us. A photographer actually took our photo and published it on the first page of the chinese newspaper.the performance there was really a blast we actually had a banner which wrote Music Across Borders, The world class choir the Operafest Children's Choir.Mrs kam was really happy and she added in a few more additional songs too. The concert ended with applause from everyone there which made me so proud to be in this choir.

Ok that's all for now. I'm really happy to be back in Kl but I'm already missing the seafood there. Thanks for reading this!!!!