Sunday, November 3, 2013

The start of something new.

I have come to realise that I only write down the major changes in life when it comes to this blog but I guess its okay because nobody reads it and its more like a journal for me. Its the holidays now and I have been sleeping late, having late and enjoyable breakfasts instead of having a milo and rushing to school like i normally would. Its a nice change and I'm loving it so far.
I've written about my year as a form 4 student but I don't really think I can do it justice by only writing about one post. So being the boring person that I am I have chosen to talk or should I say write about the many friends I have come to know and love since the beginning of this year.Its amazing to think  that at the beginning of the year most of us weren't even close friends. Sure we knew each others names and classes but honestly speaking that was all. Besides Vickie and Michelle I have barely know the others. Being a shy person that I am, it took a little while for me to warm up to them but after that it was all good.
I really enjoyed being in the same class as  them. If I were to be asked if we would be able to get along so well at the beginning of the year I would definately said no.I especially enjoy how we would all laugh in such an insane way for a little things in life. this year has been so much fun because of these girls and there is definately no shortage of joy and laughter.
It has been my pleasure to be able to be share a class with these insane idiots. I think they are all insanely beautiful,special and no doubt wonderful in their own special way. I'm so glad we're friends and I look forward to being classmates with them again.
You might not see this but I really am grateful for putting up with me. I know I can be such a handful at times, I cry, I grumble and I am a terrible person sometimes. Thanks for always giving support whenever it is needed and being a part of the beautiful memories that I shall cherish for the years to come.

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