Saturday, November 16, 2013

A different year end holiday.

This year's holiday is very different because for the first time since I was form 1, I won't be travelling and performing with my choir. Last year was my last year and I truly miss it. I miss being on stage, I miss the bright lights shinning on my face and most importantly I miss singing with my choir. There's so much to miss and I can really go on and on with it.
After leaving Operafest Children's Choir I have come to realise how much I really enjoyed it. I know I really enjoyed it but absence makes the heart grow fonder and its becoming more and more apparent that I miss it. I remember sitting on the floor and resting while complaining about how hard it is to please our conductor Mrs Kam. Those were the times when we were all so tired and sweaty that we would have given anything to just rest. But looking back now its really such a shame that I didn't take time then to reflect and be thankful for the amazing opportunities.
Ever since joining, a simple and average girl like me was exposed to so many endless possibilities and amazing experiences. I got to travel, perform to thousands of people and more importantly some very important people from the other countries. Its been such an amazing time whilst with this choir and I cannot be more grateful for the opportunities that has been given to me.
Being on stage is the hands down the best time I ever have. I really enjoy the feeling of spreading joy and love through this magical thing called music. Throughout my time in Operafest I have been able to give back to God and raise money for several charities while doing what I love and enjoy. Its been such a surreal time of my life and I'm so glad that I can make a difference in the lives of others with music.
All in all, its weird not having concerts to prepare but I guess everything comes to and end and its time to move on in life. This holiday shall be a new chapter in my life and I shall make the most out of it. Till we meet again. Bye!!!

1 comment:

  1. You can still join back. This Dec 2013 in PJ Grace Assembly, Ipoh spca, and penang. See
