Saturday, November 16, 2013

A different year end holiday.

This year's holiday is very different because for the first time since I was form 1, I won't be travelling and performing with my choir. Last year was my last year and I truly miss it. I miss being on stage, I miss the bright lights shinning on my face and most importantly I miss singing with my choir. There's so much to miss and I can really go on and on with it.
After leaving Operafest Children's Choir I have come to realise how much I really enjoyed it. I know I really enjoyed it but absence makes the heart grow fonder and its becoming more and more apparent that I miss it. I remember sitting on the floor and resting while complaining about how hard it is to please our conductor Mrs Kam. Those were the times when we were all so tired and sweaty that we would have given anything to just rest. But looking back now its really such a shame that I didn't take time then to reflect and be thankful for the amazing opportunities.
Ever since joining, a simple and average girl like me was exposed to so many endless possibilities and amazing experiences. I got to travel, perform to thousands of people and more importantly some very important people from the other countries. Its been such an amazing time whilst with this choir and I cannot be more grateful for the opportunities that has been given to me.
Being on stage is the hands down the best time I ever have. I really enjoy the feeling of spreading joy and love through this magical thing called music. Throughout my time in Operafest I have been able to give back to God and raise money for several charities while doing what I love and enjoy. Its been such a surreal time of my life and I'm so glad that I can make a difference in the lives of others with music.
All in all, its weird not having concerts to prepare but I guess everything comes to and end and its time to move on in life. This holiday shall be a new chapter in my life and I shall make the most out of it. Till we meet again. Bye!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A younger me. :)

I've been in the mood of reflecting lately. I've realised that as I get older I have began to reflect and think about my past, present and future more. It feels like just a while ago I was graduating from kindergarden and naively started primary school and here I am today just finishing my form 4 year. It feels surreal that a while ago I was so excited to start high school and now I'm about to start my last year in high school in less than 2 months.
I've never realised how time flies but whilst thinking about my future I start to realise how much I've grown as a person. A few years back I was this young girl who was so anxious yet excited to start a new chapter of life which is high school. I was so intrigued by the life people led in their teen years. I do admit I was a ittle off the rails in my second year but after a while I  came to my senses and here I am now. 4 A's in my pmr and working hard up till now.
I used to be such a shy child growing up. I would always shy away from the attention. I never liked being under the spotlight and would always choose to be led instead of lead. It was just how I was in the past but after coming to high school I have come to realise that I am able to lead and should not shy away from the attention people give. I even started joining the school choir which later on brought me to a world class choir and it was amazing. It gave me so much more confidence towards my hobby which I would secretly do when I was much younger. I am now able to stand on stage and accept the mike gracefully without fear and shyness.
A younger Junie would never have the guts to take risks and take a different paths from her friends. She would always stick around her friends and follow their every move and decision. She didn't have her own opinions because she was scared to make the wrong decisions and take the wrong path. But that was the past and now she has become this girl who insisted on switching from science stream to arts stream because she knew she had to do it and she knew she couldn't just follow her friend's lead.
Its strange to know that I'll be leaving high school very soon and embarking on a new stretch of my journey in life. Its scary to think that I would need to take an exam that will make or break me in the future. I'm scared, worried and most importantly stressed. Everything seems to be moving so fast at the moment that its so hard to take it all in but I believe in the saying that God does not set these obstacles and things we go through for nothing. Every battle scar left is a reminder of what we've been through and make us stringer people than we already are. So stay strong and believe in God's doing because it all comes with a reason.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The start of something new.

I have come to realise that I only write down the major changes in life when it comes to this blog but I guess its okay because nobody reads it and its more like a journal for me. Its the holidays now and I have been sleeping late, having late and enjoyable breakfasts instead of having a milo and rushing to school like i normally would. Its a nice change and I'm loving it so far.
I've written about my year as a form 4 student but I don't really think I can do it justice by only writing about one post. So being the boring person that I am I have chosen to talk or should I say write about the many friends I have come to know and love since the beginning of this year.Its amazing to think  that at the beginning of the year most of us weren't even close friends. Sure we knew each others names and classes but honestly speaking that was all. Besides Vickie and Michelle I have barely know the others. Being a shy person that I am, it took a little while for me to warm up to them but after that it was all good.
I really enjoyed being in the same class as  them. If I were to be asked if we would be able to get along so well at the beginning of the year I would definately said no.I especially enjoy how we would all laugh in such an insane way for a little things in life. this year has been so much fun because of these girls and there is definately no shortage of joy and laughter.
It has been my pleasure to be able to be share a class with these insane idiots. I think they are all insanely beautiful,special and no doubt wonderful in their own special way. I'm so glad we're friends and I look forward to being classmates with them again.
You might not see this but I really am grateful for putting up with me. I know I can be such a handful at times, I cry, I grumble and I am a terrible person sometimes. Thanks for always giving support whenever it is needed and being a part of the beautiful memories that I shall cherish for the years to come.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Life as a Form 4 student

Life as a form 4 student has come to an end a few days ago and I can't help but reflect on the time I spot in school. I'm not gonna lie and say it was peachy all the way. There were times where I felt like it was overwhelming and it took so much out of me  mentally and physically. Sleepless nights to prepare for exams, arguments between  friends, dissapointment when it came to exam results, and most importantly no outlet like I did in the past.
This year has been a year of reinvention and embracing the true me. It has given me the chance to start to realise my true identity. All these years I have been trying so hard to please everyone else and fit the mold that society has set as a rule abiding and bookworm. I have now come to realise that I am no bookworm or science stream student material. Sure.I could scrape an A if i put enough offer but it wasn't me.
Till this very day I have not regreted asking for a change from the teachers. ys. We do get descriminated ,we do get misunderstood as lazy students. There are times when we all feel treated unfairly but with teh support we give each other and words of encouragement. We made it through. I can't even express in words how thankful I am of my friends who stuck by and never gave up on hope.
I believe that God has many reasons when he makes things happen to us. Maybe all these harsh comments are set for me to be more motivated to succeed and prove everyone wrong. Someday, we will make it big. I promise.
Anyway,I now also have an idea of what I want to study in the future and pursue as a career. Its nice having a goal to work towards. It gives me more motivation and determination to make sure I reach it. Hopefully someday I will be able to be a successful interior designer.*fingers crossed*
Last but not least, I have also met,rekindled and gotten closer with my friends. Its been a wonderful year laughing,joking,stressing,crying,studying,gossiping,hanging out and most importantly having a blast. This year has been a year full of laughter and tears of both joy and sadness. Its nice to have a bunch of friends who care and accept you for whoever you are. A big thank you for my dear friends who have put up with my shitty mood swings and terrible attitude.
All in all it has been a year of improvement, empowerment,self discovery and growth both mentally and physically. It might not have been a bed of roses but I it is just a trial we all face in life. I might not like it or think I cannot go through it but God does not create trials that cannot be conquered. Its been a rough year yes but that's how life is. We have to recover and move on strongly.