Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hi everyone , I'm not in school today is actually because I had to send my grandmother off because she passed away on Mother's day which is on Sunday.I woke up today at about seven thirty as I had to go to Gombak which is quite far from my house. Me and my family had breakfast there and we went to my aunty's house. We had to wear a white shirt and black pants according to the custom.There were a lot of chanting and so on but we didn't join in because that is against our religion.Well after that we went to the graveyard so that we can kind of like burn my grandmother into ashes or something like that after that was done we ate some food there and came back .Oh and did I tell you that we're not even suppose to wear shoes they just gave us a pair of socks and that's all, its rather painful because we;re actually walking on tar roads.Ok that's all about my grandmother's death now back to me.I now realize that secondary school is full of politics.Its isn't like primary school that everyone's friend which each other,its not to say that I have a lot of enemies or what but I actually just realized that someone whom I thought was my very good friend turned out to hate me very much. I don't really know what to do but it's all right God will make a way.Bye c ya!

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