Friday, October 8, 2010

Holidays are freakingly booring....I have nothing to do and I can't use the laptop cause my mom hides it all the time!!!I found my narnia book so I started reading it and its is like never ending!!! Anyway I'm still really happy that I got through the auditions for operafest OMG I couldn't even believe it when she asked me if I wanted to take on the challennge!!!!Anyway I tead coacine's blog and I realised that she had my names all over her blog so I decided to write about her in my blog too!!!
Coacine is a girl I met in school just recently in school this year and I love it when i was with her! She is smart and really fun to be with and most importantly she loves singing!!!!
This is the list of my best friends
2.Sher-ly(Weird name rite)
3.Chia Shyan
4.Heng Yee
5.Yin Ru
9.Jia Wei
12.Yong Lin
16.Li Ann
I just want to tell you all I love u all,as a freind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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