Sunday, July 24, 2011


Choir performances are just around the corner. And guess what? We got an invitation from New York to go there to perform!!!!!!!!!Haha Yeah!!!! But we're still struggling to make money to make this trip a reality. We're invited but...they won't pay for our airfare.....T.T which means we'll have to raise money to go there. Mrs Kam has sent letters to people asking for help in sponsorring us but sometimes things might not work as we want it to.
Malaysians should really learn to realise the talents that we Malaysian children have talents. Most Malaysian might not even know that there is a Malaysian choir who made it to be a world class choir. After years of performing overseas and our own fellow Malaysian have never known us. Whilst being treated like honoured guests in other countries like china and so on, we have been treated like any other children. Do you think that its fair that we who have devoted our weekends practicing whether rain or shine while other children play be treated like this.
Being the one and only world class children's choir we ahve not been much cherished and talked of or rather realised by our fellow Malaysians. Doesn't anybody think that its just so harsh to do this to us? We have been given praise and welcomed by people of other countries but never have we been cherished by our own people.
To all malaysians and everyone who is seeing this. Please lend a hand for us to go to New York to make Malaysia proud. Or you could come to our concerts. There's a few coming real soon!!!!! Thanks for reading my such long post. And lastly I just wanna say
I'm Proud To Be A Part Of The Operafest Children's Choir!!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Crazy Class Of Mine

Well..yeah I admit it. My class might be one of the most craziest class you have ever seen...For instance, the dares we do are just simply insane! Just yesterday we all stood outside our class and shouted at random people, laughing loudly and joking. Al the form 1s were looking at us.....=='.
I just realised I haven't introduced my class....
1.Sookyu: Leng Lui Leaw Sam Hou!!!!!( hoi sin fan)
2.Lay Yin:Loh Min!!!! Crazy girl.
3.Li Xin: Miss Violent( Po Lo Pao)
4.Xiao Ching: Coconut milk. Kah Zian Lao Po
5.Kah Zian: Coconut!
6.Weng Kin: Sai Lou!!!! yok choi chu yuk fan
7.Sang Jooi: The guy who loves a science lab table. ==Bak Kut Teh
8.Jun Wah: Perverted and crazy guy......Durian Prince
9.Hao Dong: Hot Dog Sotong, Crazy and nutty at the same time.
10.Hau Yi: Beggar chicken.
11.Kah Jun: Roasted chicken.( gay....)
12.Benny:Bak jam Gai.....(white chicken)
13.Zhi Ming: Santa Claus! Always provides food! Yum Yum
14.Michelle: Yong Tao Foo
15.Zhing Mun: Miss Sing A lot.
16. Yuet Theng: Miss Sing A lot too....
17.Loc Yee: brother to a gangster but still a nice girl.
18.Angie: Justin Bieber fan. A fellow Belieber.
That should be all of them.....hehe Luv my class this year!!!!! 2 Meranti rocks!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Secret Mission!

Yup secret mission which involves going for karaoke at 9 in the morning. Lol... We all reached school at around 10 and went straight to MusicZone. Went into the room and started singing! just realised that bryan has a great voice! Haha sang some English songs then Chinisse songs with Vickie, Chun Quan and Bryan. ^^ We sang a song and most of us went was so fun!Michelle and vickie took lots of pictures of Bryan...wanna know y? He kept on acting gay lolzz.....
Anyway I ahd a really good time thanks to Abby Bryan Alex Michelle Chun Quan Nadya and Vickie!!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hari Bicara Akademik

Well ya...its a day of doom for most talkative students like me but luckily mum didn't go to get my report card. Ok well prefects are supposed to duty but basicly we weren't dutying. After ushering most of the parents up to the classes we started eating and drinking but you can't blame us rite? Hungry you know. After a while all the gadgets and i phones started coming out=='' ( din't jaga image also).But it was ok la...hehe. Nicholas was so nice he went to 7 eleven to buy us mamee...hehe the hungry prefects started eating and had a great time joking around.
Then the guys went out to buy food and left us girls...kesian us la no food. After a while we started playing truth or dare. Alex suggested it. Did a few dares like sit closer to bla bla bla and sai I love u and all.....==' Mattew had the worst dares of all...pity him. then it was time to go home. We all packed up and went home.
Though its such a tiring day I'm glad that we all had fun doing things together. Hehe thanks Coacine, Vickie, Michelle, Abby Chia, Nadya,Alex, Mattew,Jack,Patrick,Dhanusha,Rakesh,Nicholas, Teo for making this such a memorable day for me!