Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello everyone, I'm back from camp in church today. It was a really fun camp and I really enjoyed it very much. Although most of us didn't really know how to speak Bahasa Malaysia very well we still managed to talk a little bit with the orang asli there.Anyway, we went to a lake in Shah Alam which we played loads of games there.We also had a iron chef contest which we had cook our dinner. Our team won the contest because of our teamwork and creativity and also the good food which Aunty Ivy taught us to cook.Anyway most of us who never ever cooked anything besides maggie mee actually cooked a meal all by ourselves.Isn't that cool.Haha.Anyway I have learnt that everyone has different lifestyles and habits.I have learnt lots of things in this camp and I am happy that I took part in this camp which I am able to make new friends.That's all for now bye.

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