Friday, August 26, 2011

Time To Get costumed-up

Yup its time to get ready for tonight's concert. I was excited until mum tild me the response wasn't really good not many tickets were sold. So this concert might not be very nice after all....Sometimes things don't really go our way and its kinda really sad. Especially when you put in so much effort. I just pity the little children practicing with us older kids, they really put in their all to make this work out and they might be performing to an half empty hall? That's just so unfair!
Its kinda like we've flown all over the world to sing and make Malaysia proud and we've never really been noticed or even cared for. Whilst being treated like gold in other countries, we've been treated like grass in our own mother land.
Its really upsetting that we have been so hard at work to make these a reality and nobody is bothered to come. To our fellow Malaysians stop being blind. Look around you, one of your relative might belong to this world class choir! Lastly I would just wanna say, Malayia Boleh!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Busy Time.

Is a busy time for me. The performance on Sunday was awesome we all did our very best and the show went on very well! And now its time to prepare for the next performance this saturday and sunday. Diane is gonna come for the concert and I'm really excited.
Then there's also the exams..T.T even though I've studied it was still very hard.I know my results wouldn't be excellent but at least I didn't cheat. ^.^
I better stop now ang get my PSV going! See ya!

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm so nervous!

Nervous about so many things! I'm nervous about the performance tomorow and next week then its the exams! Oh gosh I have so much on my plate now!!!!!God please help me!!!! And guess what maths is tomorow and I still can't get anything right....T.T I'll just have to cross my fingers and get a 4o!!!! Pls God I'm so not asking much...just a 40!!!!!
I just nid a 40 to pass!!!! Please help me!!!!!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

English lesson with Mr farouk

Wat happened during English Lesson.
Mr Farouk:Pls write on a piece of paper a promise to me. Like: I will study harder.
We wrote or maybe I wrote for my friends...
Me: I will never say never!
And teacher was like: Do you luv Justin bieber so much?
LayYin Low: I will grow to be taller!
Teacher: Urmmm but how does it help tio improve ur Englsih?
Me: Teacher, she can't see wat u write on the whiteboard.....
Sookyu Leaw:I will grow to be prettier....
Teacher: Ok......well...